Thursday, October 11, 2007

Easy Tips to Make Some Quick Gold in WoW

Gold, Gold, Gold. All players of WoW need it. Whether it be items from the AH, tipping for someone to pick-lock your locked boxes, or to spend on repair bills, gold can be a thing of joy, or a thing of despair. Here's a quick list of things you can do to get a some gold in your backpack.

1) Work the Auction House. Treat it like the stock market, buy low, sell high. Look what an item averages normally on the AH. If you find one relatively cheaper, buy and and put it back in at a slightly higher price. I've made about 200 g a day doing this back before Burning Crusade came out.

2) Farm. This may be the oldest and most boring way to acquire gold, but it works. If you can, find mobs that drop both linen and gold (usually humanoids) that die fairly quickly. Try to avoid high traffic places if possible. The easiest way not to go crazy is by having some music on while you farm.

3) Work your professions. You probably have a few exclusive items that people who are a different profession need. Enchanters need rods that only Blacksmiths can make, everyone needs leather for something, etc. Just work on getting items that you know will sell well to other people.

4) Quest in Netherstorm. If you're 70, there's a big chance that you have uncompleted or attempted quests in Netherstorm. Most quests pay out around 12-20 g at level 70.

5) Farm low level instances. If you're an enchanter, SM is your friend. Just kill everything, grab the rares and DE them, then sell the shards in the AH. You can make a ton of money this way.

6) Farm motes. The Elemental Plateau in Nagrand has tons of elementals that you can farm for motes. Everyone needs primal _______. In my experience, the Elemental Plateau is usually packed, Fire Elementals in Skald and those elementals that drop primal mana in Netherstorm are great alternatives. If you're on a PvP server, watch your back.

7) Offer your service to lower levels. Run people through lower instances for a small fee. At this rate, most people at low levels are playing their alts, so their main should have a large amount of money they can give you to run them through something. The money from the lower instance isn't bad either. Not many people do this because of the trust factor, but it's worth a try.

Most of those tips are for higher levels. If you're a lower level, here's a list of possible ways to get some gold.

8) When you start out, pick up 2 gathering professions. In my opinion, herbalism and mining make good money even at low levels. Sell what you gather in the AH, and once you hit 70, you can pick up any other profession you want.

9) Pick up everything from every mob you kill. Vendor trash ads up into a lot of money. Don't be afraid to spend money on bigger bags, the investment will be worth it.

10) Ask higher level guildies for money. Yes, I know, it's begging, but it works sometimes. People are usually happy to part with their gold to help out a new/low level guildie. Just don't do it excessively.

Well, those are my 10 tips. Hope they work out for you. Enjoy.

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